Nth Power

Contact Details:
One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1550
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 415 - 983- 9983
Fax: 415 - 983- 9984

Contact: Nancy C Floyd, Founder and Managing    Email this Investor
Focus Industries:
  • Industrial and energy products
  • Telecommunications
Preferred Financing Stage:
  • Seed
  • 1st Round
  • 2nd Round
  • 3rd Round
  • 4th Round and later
  • Pre-IPO
  • Mezzanine
  • Buyout/acquisition
Preferred Company Type:
  • Private Company (backed by venture capital firms)
  • Private Company (not backed by venture capital firms)
  • Public Company
Company Briefings:
Nth Power is a venture capital firm based in San Francisco and is the first and most experienced venture capital firm funding promising startup companies in the growing sector of energy technology, materials and other related businesses. With over $425 million under management in four funds and an investment record that begins in 1997, Nth Power is widely known and well regarded as the driving force behind many of the most successful energy technology companies. The firm’s leading history in energy related venture capital is the result of a deep network of energy entrepreneurs, universities and research institutions, unmatched corporate relationships and the backing of institutional capital. And because the firm is located in the center of much of where energy is innovating, Nth Power plays a visionary role in pushing forward the businesses that are addressing some of the worlds most pressing energy challenges.


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